Functie de constructia lor exista mai multe tipuri de UPS, cele mai raspandite sunt:
- off-line
- line-interactive
o cu iesire sinus modificat
o cu iesire sinusoidala
- on-line - dubla conversie
Componente server
UPS/uri și acumulatoare
Functie de constructia lor exista mai multe tipuri de UPS, cele mai raspandite sunt:
- off-line
- line-interactive
o cu iesire sinus modificat
o cu iesire sinusoidala
- on-line - dubla conversie
Nume | Descriere | Durată |
CART | Asocierea cu coșul tău de cumpărături. | 1 An |
CATEGORY_INFO | Permite încărcarea mai rapidă a paginilor. | 1 An |
COMPARE | Articole care se regăsesc în lista de comparație. | 1 An |
CUSTOMER | O versiune criptată a ID-ului tău de client. | 1 An |
CUSTOMER_AUTH | Indică dacă ești autentificat în contul tău. | 1 An |
CUSTOMER_INFO | O versiune criptată a grupului de clienți din care faci parte. | 1 An |
RECENTLYCOMPARED | Articole recent comparate. | 1 An |
STF | Informații despre produse trimise către prieteni prin email | 1 An |
STORE | Magazinul sau limba ales de către tine | 1 An |
VIEWED_PRODUCT_IDS | Produse vizualizatee recent | 1 An |
WISHLIST | Listă criptată a produselor adăugate la wishlist | 1 An |
WISHLIST_CNT | Numărul articolelor în wishlist-ul tău | 1 An |
ADD_TO_CART | (Adobe Commerce only) Used by Google Tag Manager | 1 An |
GUEST-VIEW | Stores the Order ID that guest shoppers use to retrieve their order status. Guest orders view. Used in Orders and Returns widgets | 1 An |
LOGIN_REDIRECT | Preserves the destination page that was loading before the customer was directed to log in | 1 An |
MAGE-BANNERS-CACHE-STORAGE | (Adobe Commerce only) Stores banner content locally to improve performance | 1 An |
MAGE-MESSAGES | Tracks error messages and other notifications that are shown to the user | 1 An |
MAGE-TRANSLATION-STORAGE | Stores translated content when requested by the shopper | 1 An |
MAGE-TRANSLATION-FILE-VERSION | Tracks the version of translations in local storage | 1 An |
PRODUCT_DATA_STORAGE | Stores configuration for product data related to Recently Viewed/Compared Products | 1 An |
RECENTLY_COMPARED_PRODUCT | Stores product IDs of recently compared products | 1 An |
RECENTLY_COMPARED_PRODUCT_PREVIOUS | Stores product IDs of previously compared products for easy navigation | 1 An |
RECENTLY_VIEWED_PRODUCT | Stores product IDs of recently viewed products for easy navigation | 1 An |
RECENTLY_VIEWED_PRODUCT_PREVIOUS | Stores product IDs of recently previously viewed products for easy navigation | 1 An |
REMOVE_FROM_CART | (Adobe Commerce only) Used by Google Tag Manager | 1 An |
X-MAGENTO-VARY | Configuration setting that improves performance when using Varnish static content caching | 1 An |
FORM_KEY | A security measure that appends a random string to all form submissions to protect the data from Cross-Site Request Forgery | 1 An |
MAGE-CACHE-SESSID | The value of this cookie triggers the cleanup of local cache storage | 1 An |
MAGE-CACHE-STORAGE | Local storage of visitor-specific content that enables ecommerce functions | 1 An |
MAGE-CACHE-STORAGE-SECTION-INVALIDATION | Forces local storage of specific content sections that should be invalidated | 1 An |
PERSISTENT_SHOPPING_CART | Stores the key (ID) of persistent cart to make it possible to restore the cart for an anonymous shopper | 1 An |
PRIVATE_CONTENT_VERSION | Appends a random, unique number and time to pages with customer content to prevent them from being cached on the server | 1 An |
SECTION_DATA_IDS | Stores customer-specific information related to shopper-initiated actions, such as wish list display and checkout information | 1 An |
PURGED_ONCE | Eliminarea tuturor cookie-urilor care au fost create înainte de astăzi. | 1 An |
Nume | Descriere | Durată |
CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_IDS | Stocarea ID-ului Client Segment | 1 An |
EXTERNAL_NO_CACHE | Indică dacă cache-ul este pornit sau oprit. | 1 An |
FRONTEND | ID-ul sesiunii tale pe server. | 1 An |
GUEST-VIEW | Permite vizitatorilor să-și editeze comanda. | 1 An |
LAST_CATEGORY | Ultima categorie vizitată. | 1 An |
LAST_PRODUCT | Ultimul produs vizualizat. | 1 An |
NEWMESSAGE | Indică recepționarea unui mesaj nou. | 1 An |
NO_CACHE | Indică dacă folosirea cache-ului este permis. | 1 An |
PERSISTENT_SHOPPING_CART | Un link către informații despre coșul tău și istoricul de vizualizare dacă ai cerut site-ului. | 1 An |
Nume | Descriere | Durată |
GA | Google Analytics | 1 An |
Google Analytics | Google Analytics | 1 An |
Nume | Descriere | Durată |
USER_ALLOWED_SAVE_COOKIE | Indică dacă un client a acceptat cookie-urile | 1 An |
MG_DNT | Allows you to restrict Adobe Commerce data collection if you have custom code to manage cookie consent on your site | 1 An |
AUTHENTICATION_FLAG | Indicates if a shopper has signed in or signed out | 1 An |
DATASERVICES_CUSTOMER_ID | Indicates if a shopper has signed in or signed out | 1 An |
DATASERVICES_CUSTOMER_GROUP | Indicates a customer’s group. This cookie is stored as sha1 checksum of the customer’s group ID | 1 An |
DATASERVICES_CART_ID | Identifies a shopper’s cart actions | 1 An |
DATASERVICES_PRODUCT_CONTEXT | Identifies a shopper’s product interactions. This cookie contains the customer’s unique quote ID in the system | 1 An |
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